From June 2023, we are collaborating with Hokusho University of Lifelong Learning and Sports and Junior College in advancing “Undo Asobi Revolution” to examine the long-term effectiveness of Undo Asobi.
Since 2023, Asari Education Academy Group and the university have been collaborating to study the effects of physical activity on the athletic skills of young children.
Four-year-old children from Atsubetsu Sakuragi Nursery School, Kitago Ayumi Kindergarten, and Taihei Azusa Nursery School visited the Hokusho University gym to have their athletic skills measured. In addition to the four MKS athletic skills tests recommended by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) (25-meter run, standing long jump, body support duration, and continuous jumping on both feet), a rebound jump ability test similar to jump rope was also conducted. We also checked to see if the children could perform a running start jump, which is not often tested for research projects. Such measurements not only show growth in athletic skills, but also how they relate to activities in childcare. Furthermore, it has recently been shown that there is a relationship between athletic ability and academic achievement, and that being able to exercise well as a young child can lead to better health, a more positive attitude in general, and an easier time adjusting to societal needs. In other words, a familiarity with physical activity in early childhood may lead to nurturing children’s confidence to excel throughout their lives.
The children in kindergarten will be measured again in August and next March to see what changes can be observed.
Shinichi Omiya, Associate Professor, School of Sport Education, Faculty of Lifelong Sports, Hokusho University
Our Thoughts
Our first priority is to nurture children’s confidence to excel so that they can find what they like and lead a vibrant, happy life in the coming age.
We believe that “Undo Asobi,” daily play-centered physical activity, is important not only for improving the basic physical fitness of children, but also for their physical growth, mental health, and the essential need to love their own bodies throughout their lives. We emphasize the joy of physical activity and the creation of fun and excitement with friends beyond the limiting binary of “can do” or “can’t do.”
The Guidelines for Physical Activity in Early Childhood formulated by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT) point out that physical activity and exercise (body movement and play) are declining among children in early childhood today.

Major initiatives of “Undo Asobi Revolution”
●The 13 schools in our group will join together to form an “Undo Asobi Revolution”.
●Kindergarten teachers and children are invited to participate in the Undo Asobi Revolution!
●We will think of and implement more fun and exciting Undo Asobi programs, mainly based on the opinions of 5-year-old children.
●We will collaborate with universities to research and develop better playgrounds based on scientific evidence and verification.
●We will continue to develop and improve “Undo Asobi” for the enjoyment of all involved.